Sunday, August 29, 2010

we're alive...don't worry

Sorry for the delays in posting--our internet service was cut off Friday because the last tenant's payment period ended. It's very strange process to get internet here; Li Rong, Sarah's twin, called the company and gave them our address on Thursday, then an "English speaking professional" who didn't speak English called today to let me know the worker was coming in a few hours to install the internet (all I understood was 3 pm). Then the guy came, was stumped by our English Macs, and, long story short, we paid him 100 yuan to install our PPOE internet ourselves. The strangest part is that now we have internet but don't have to pay for it until September 6th. Definite highlight of the experience was Alison installing a wireless router following instructions in Chinese, including setting up a new network and a password. I couldn't do that in English!

Sometime in the next few days, we'll put up our pictures and stories from our adventures yesterday to the Forbidden City and my failed attempt to get a resident permit. And, we are almost done turning our apartment into our home by putting up pictures and rearranging furniture. Life is good in Beijing :)

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